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Time for a short break to go to the toilet if we need to, and afterwards the subject is Christian Religious Education. This is mostly teachings and stories from the bible.


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The school cook, Mama Masika is busy preparing our lunch. The smell is so good it is hard to concentrate on the teacher talking.


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Lunch time and playtime. The school bell rings which means lunchtime –great! We take it in turns to wash our hands.


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Some of the little children may sit at a small table they have in their classroom but as there is no dining room most children just sit on the floor to eat.


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We eat the food with our hands. It is delicious.  I feel much better after I have eaten. For some of the children is it their one main meal of the day.


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After lunch I go and play with my friends. We don’t have toys so we play with what there is. We like to make mud pies.

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